These are the currently active challenges and targets of the Creeper's Lab. They get updated every month with different goals, so keep an eye on this page or the latest news posts to see what there is to do!
¶ Kenorland
Last updated on 1st March 2025
Enjoy the upcoming sakura season with Race Away in an endless cherry grove! Your goal as always is to get as far as you can heading East, hitting the highest X coordinate possible. Merit Points will be awarded to the top 30 runners in decreasing order based on your rank.
Monthly handicap: Random mob sizes. They can climb more than one block if they're big enough. Watch out!
Last updated on 1st March 2025
NOTE: Due to updates, the Hunter's Lodge is currently down for maintenance.
St. Patrick's day has come back to the Hunter's Lodge! stop on by and prevent Yba'sokug, the evil leprechauns and the cat in the hat from formulating a plan that we don't know a lot of!
Raid Boss, drops and related rewards:
x1 Yba'sokug, the Bouncey Death = 2-5 Underworld Shard, 0-1 Yba'sokug Mask
x2 Shulker = 0-2 Underworld Shard
x2 Evil Leprechaun = 0-2 Evil Leprechaun Mask, 0-2 Pot of Gold, 0-2 Hunter's Mark
x1 Evil Leprechaun..? = 0-1 Pot of Gold..? , 0-1 Evil Leprechaun Mask..?, 0-1 Hunter's Mark
x1 Cat in the Hat = 0-1 Cat in the Hat Mask, 0-1 Hunter's Mark
- 64 Underworld Shards + 1 Void Wings = Wings of Hades
Last updated on 1st March 2025
NOTE: The Hunter's Lodge, The Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands and Shoals of the Departed are closed for maintenance. Non-combat quests are still able to be completed.
See the Horseman Points Guide for an indepth look at the quests, points, and how to cash them in!
- Bring Famine 1 Mask of Kratos = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 1 Leviathan Axe = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 2 Soul Obelisk = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 1 Shulker of Chains = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 1 Shulker of Lily of the Valley = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 1 Shulker of Candles = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 1 Ball and Chain = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 2 Armadyl Godsword Hilt = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 3 of each part of the Godsword (Godsword Pommel, Godsword Grip, Godsword Blade) = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 1 Shulker of Polished Blackstone Bricks = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 1 Shulker of Bone Blocks = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 1 Shulker of Powered Rails = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring War 4 Necromancer Hoods = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring War 3 Dragon Skull Helm = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring War 3 Tok-Haar Hok Skulls = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring War 1 Shulker of Andesite = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring War 1 Shulker of Tinted Glass = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring War 4 Shulkers of Honey Bottles = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 64 Orcaman Heads = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 1 Davy Jones Mask = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 1 of each Horseman Gems (Wilderness Emerald, Glacial Diamond, Draconic Ruby, Abyssal pearl, Insanity Crystal) = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 1 Shulker of Cobblestone = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 1 Shulker of Amethyst Shards = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 256 Sponges = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 16 Masks of Nahkriin = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 3 Skulls of Vahlok = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 1 of each Regi Golem Mask (Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regigigas) = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 576 Coal Ore = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 256 Gold Ore = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 1 Shulker of Shulker Shells = 4 Horseman Points
Last updated on 2nd March 2025
Specialist tasks have reopened!!
See the Guilds of Creeper's Lab topic for an indepth look at the quests, tokens, and how to cash them in!
*Each task can be completed a maximum of 5 times*
Please be aware that Iron Ore and Deepslate Iron Ore (and other similar pairings) are considered separate. So are Waxed and Unwaxed Copper, or Coppers at different stages of oxidisation. If the task is for one of them, the other does not count.
- Fisher - Catch 50 Fish
- Farmer - Harvest 100 Pumpkins
- Builder - Place 100 Dark Prismarine
- Miner - Mine 20 Deepslate Diamond Ore
- Hunter - Kill 50 Pigs
- Blacksmith - Craft 50 Tinted Glass
- Fisher - Craft 25 Fishing Rods
- Farmer - Cook 27 Beetroot Soup
- Builder - Place 100 Smooth Basalt
- Miner - Mine 1000 Stone
- Hunter - Kill 20 Squid
- Blacksmith - Craft 100 Chiseled Red Sandstone
- Fisher - Kill 50 Striders
- Farmer - Bake 100 Dried Kelp
- Builder - Place 50 Pearlescent Froglights
- Miner - Mine 5 Ancient Debris
- Hunter - Kill 50 Chickens
- Blacksmith - Craft 20 Smokers
- Fisher - Catch 150 Fish
- Farmer - Harvest 25 Cactus
- Builder - Place 100 Mangrove Planks
- Miner - Mine 25 Deepslate Iron Ore
- Hunter - Kill 50 Sheep
- Blacksmith - Craft 1 Conduit