Ever wanted to join the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Well, now you can!
In order to join the guild as a Horseman Acolyte, you must accumulate Acolyte Tokens. You also need to apply for Acolyte Tokens from the survival wing of the lobby.
Acolyte Tokens can be obtained in multiple ways:
You must provide In Game Name (IGN) to receive the token. You can do each task only once per month.
Tag us on social media, we'd love to see your posts too. Include your in-game name so we know who you are!
Buy an ID badge! Acolyte ID badges cost 20 Acolyte Tokens. Your ID badge will grant you access to the Horsemen Guild Hall, Exclusive Acolyte armor set and weapon, Acolyte-only Token trades, Discounted Horseman Point trades, Acolyte only PVP and event areas and more!
The status of Acolyte will display on the forum profile as well! Acolytes also get access to the Horsemen Guild public discord, with exclusive news feed for up and coming events and features.
Working with a specific Horseman is as easy as ever! Bring your blank ID badge to the Horseman Island leaving it like you would a submitted quest! Contact the Horseman of your choosing to ensure you get a stamped badge. This will also change the status on the forum profile!
Having a Stamped Acolyte ID will give bonus Acolyte Tokens for doing your Horseman's Quests (must provide with your quest items!), access to Horseman-themed Cosmetic Overrides for the Apocalyptic Anima Core and the Acolyte armour sets, Acolyte exclusive events and Horseman Quest Material Vaults! There may be an armour upgrade accessible as well!
Don't want to stick to the same Horseman forever? No problem! Changing between Horseman will cost 20 Acolyte Tokens. Make sure to reach out to your current Horseman as well as your new Horseman to receive your ID badge back, and get it re-stamped!
To apply and gain Acolyte Tokens for a given month, grab a paper or an emerald and trade it in for a Token Application in the Acolyte room of the Horseman Island at the Citadel. Use the nearby anvil to add your name to the title, and submit it to the chest.
At the end of the month, if you've fulfilled any of the requirements for the Acolyte Quests, you will receive your rewards via Post Office Box!