These are the currently active challenges and targets of the Creeper's Lab. They get updated every month with different goals, so keep an eye on this page or the latest news posts to see what there is to do!
¶ Kenorland
Last updated on 1st February 2025
Something different this month: with our update to 1.21.4 just yesterday, it's time for you to explore the Pale Garden! There is no set target this time, everyone who enters will earn a free 5 Merit Points. This is your opportunity to explore the new biome, gather some of the new materials, or even face the scary Creaking!
Inventory sync is enabled, letting you bring your choice of tools to Kenorland and bring back all the supplies you can hold. No, ChopTree is not available there.
Monthly handicap: Lack of colors.
Last updated on 1st February 2025
NOTE: Due to updates, the Hunter's Lodge is currently down for maintenance.
Cupid comes in the middle of the night where Nyx roams free. This is a disaster! Come on over to the Hunter's Lodge and rid this place of the corrupt cupids!
Raid Boss, drops and related rewards:
x1 Nyx, Goddess of the Night = 2-9 Ocean Shard, 0-1 Nyx Mask
x3 Cupid = 0-3 Cupid's Bow, 0-1 Cupid's Mask, 0-4 Hunter's Mark
- 64 Ocean Shard + 1 Monster Wraps = 1 Poseidon Boots
Last updated on 1st February 2025
NOTE: The Hunter's Lodge, The Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands and Shoals of the Departed are closed for maintenance. Non-combat quests are still able to be completed.
See the Horseman Points Guide for an indepth look at the quests, points, and how to cash them in!
- Bring Famine 1 Undertaker's Spade = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 10 Skulls of Dharok = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 1 of each Wildhunt General Head (Imlerith, Caranthir) = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 576 Coal Blocks = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 1 Shulker of Pur-Pur Blocks = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Famine 256 Crying Obsidian = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 1 Ancient Goat Cheese = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 4 Mask of Graardor = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 3 Frozen Prison Keys = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 1 Shulker of Red Sand = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 1 Shulker of Detector Rails = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Conquest 4 Shulkers of Fire Resist Potions = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring War 4 Ancient Ceremonial Masks = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring War 2 Helwyr Heads = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring War 3 Raw Anima = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring War 1 Shulker of Birch Logs = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring War 1 Shulker of Tuff = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring War 576 Bookshelves = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 4 V’s Treasure Token = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 4 Wilderness Emeralds = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 64 Deep One Heads = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 1 Shulker of Blackstone = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 1 Shulker of Pumpkins = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Death 256 Cobwebs = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 1 Majora's Mask = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 10 JarJar Diety Masks = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 24 Spirit Viking Masks = 4 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 1 Shulker of Mud = 2 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 24 Deepslate Emerald Ore = 3 Horseman Points
- Bring Frank 64 Ancient Debris = 4 Horseman Points
Last updated on 1st February 2025
Specialist tasks have reopened!!
See the Guilds of Creeper's Lab topic for an indepth look at the quests, tokens, and how to cash them in!
*Each task can be completed a maximum of 5 times*
Please be aware that Iron Ore and Deepslate Iron Ore (and other similar pairings) are considered separate. So are Waxed and Unwaxed Copper, or Coppers at different stages of oxidisation. If the task is for one of them, the other does not count.
- Fisher - Cook 100 Cod
- Farmer - Plant 30 Closed Eyeblossoms (placing Open Eyeblossom won't count)
- Builder - Place 100 Pale Oak Planks
- Miner - Mine 100 Andesite
- Hunter - Kill 20 Cats
- Blacksmith - Smelt 20 Resin Bricks
- Fisher - Catch 75 Fish
- Farmer - Harvest 50 Pale Moss Carpet
- Builder - Place 25 Pale Oak Wood
- Miner - Mine 50 Coal Ore
- Hunter - Kill 50 Cows
- Blacksmith - Craft 50 Pale Oak Fences
- Fisher - Place 10 Wet Sponges
- Farmer - Harvest 100 Pale Hanging Moss
- Builder - Place 100 Resin Bricks
- Miner - Mine 1000 Netherrack
- Hunter - Kill 50 Bees
- Blacksmith - Craft 5 Creaking Hearts
- Fisher - Cook 100 Salmon
- Farmer - Plant 50 Pale Oak Saplings
- Builder - Place 100 Pale Moss Blocks
- Miner - Mine 200 Sand
- Hunter - Kill 20 Frogs
- Blacksmith - Craft 40 Chiseled Resin Bricks