Name: Lea Sabrina (Lastname)
Age: XX
From: 🇩🇪
Music: Punk,Metal,Ska
Fav. Food:🍕
The land of Rodinia has long been protected by a group of wizards called the Cycle of Scientists. They protect Rodinia with a powerful magic spell that conjures up a force field along the land's borders.
As the days go by in the Lands of Rodinia, a small dark oak sapling has grown from the ashes and gravel of war at the south east Border. Fighting against the seasons, griefers and lag, the sapling defied them all and has grown into a tree. The sapling grew large and stood out from its fellow trees, and as it grew larger and larger travelers began to settle down and build their camps around it.
Years pass and the force field has shown some weak spots and a war against monsters from the outside begun which forced the men of the tiny village to stand up and fight for their loved ones... not a single man got back.
When the men died they had left alone the women and girls, who were still under attack from the Zombies and Skeletons. In order to defend the village and the young ones, the women were forced to pick up swords and bows and defend themselves. After a devastating 19 Years of War the majority of the Monsters were deafted, their troops shattered and only a few monsters are left willing to attack the Village.
The Leader of the Army of Women was Miss Leora D.Slate also known as the first Queen of the New Kingdom Valkyria. The Bloodline of Leora D.Slate still sits on the throne of Valkyria.
The first born of the 3rd Queen, Lea or also known χしεąχ refused to call her self Queen until she did all in her power to rebuild and enlarge her Land to a full grown Kingdom and a home for every traveler or gypsy no matter what gender, skintone, or liking of diorite.
¶ ☠️Main Skin☠️
Owned by χしεąχ