Brixton Estate is a well tended community near Brixton north of Doctacosa's Fiefdome.
Brixton Estate on the Map
The Interior Decorator's Guild are holding a new Building Contest at the Brixton Estate!
The Contest is being held at the Brixton Estate (West Nether Line to Alucard, then up one floor). There are 24 identical plots available to choose from, which the observant may notice already have houses built on them. The focus of this contest is interior and garden decoration, not building skills. Add a sign with your name to the plot you wish to claim.
The Contest is open 24th July and will close on 8th August!
For full details check out the News Post
The Brixton Estate has quite strict building regulations which the Interior Decorator's Guild have agreed to follow for this contest. As such:
- Your plot is surrounded by a fence and everything must be contained within your fence. Do not build above or below the fence, or spill out onto the pavement.
- The majority of the Bricks must stay the same. You can move, change, add or remove windows and doors, but the essential brickwork structure must remain.
- You may add more bricks if you want, for instance to create an extension in the back garden.
- You can change any of the wood, including the interior walls and roof, in any way you want. However the build must not go above Y79 (two blocks above the current roof).
- If you choose to dig down in the garden, do not go below Y59 (basement level).
- All builds must have a sewer connection. There is one in each basement, but you can be creative as to how it is used.
- You may also decorate the grass verge on the pavement outside your house. This cannot be more than two blocks tall.
- A vendor is located near the portal selling some useful decorations for emeralds.
- Please only take one plot.
Builds will be scored out of ten on the following criteria:
- Interior Decoration (30%)
- Garden Decoration (30%)
- Use of Space (10%)
- Fitting the Estate's theme (10%)
- Unique-ness (10%)
- Sewer Integration (5%)
- Grass Verge Decoration (5%)
If you wish to help Judge this contest, please contact Twixxi! Judges will not be eligible for first, second or third place prizes but will receive a reward.