The Canopy of Anarchy is a jungle region near the Eastern Expressway, which houses the deranged anarchists of Laurasia who needed a home. A large airship originating from the nether looms over the docks which is the main entrance to these lands, owned by FantasyFor3st the founder of this land for the lovers of anarchy.
Once you’ve reached these prosperous lands you will find the gorgeous trees and luscious greens of the territory owned by the individuals all together. Leaving said docks will lead to the beautiful andesite cliffs that wrap around a hill with lovely hot springs lying at the top. Perfect for a getaway from the work of being a guild member as well as an excellent concealed strip mine entrance for those living here.
The roads that stretch across this continent reach several farms collectively owned by those who have a stake in the Canopy of Anarchy. Such as the factory which houses iron farms, insert farm here or the crop farms stacked on top of each other closest to the docks. Although there is more to be added at a later date
The villager on the southern edge of the Canopy of Anarchy holds a diverse array of villagers that roam these lands. Who all identify as anarchists themselves. Often moving around depending on where the collective needs them most, whether that be spawning iron golems or giving life to the next generation.
Members of the Canopy of Anarchy include all villagers situated on these lands, FantasyFor3st, JustStormyLad, sobasicallyno and soon others.