Science is a big part of Creeper's Lab for many players. Science in general refers to any custom Item, Area or Mob designed to be more than the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Part of the mission of Creeperpedia is to catalog these in order to provide an easy reference for players involved in the pursuit of Science. One of the many tasks on Creeperpedia is bringing that information over from the Lab into the Wiki.
Many Science Items have "Lore" attached. This is descriptive text designed to add flavor and knowledge to the items. Lore can be a simple sentence, or as long as a paragraph. There is no easy way to transfer this information over, so it all has to be done by hand.
If you would like to assist in bringing the Lore on Items to Creeperpedia, please follow these steps:
For an example of a finished page, see Dragon's Blood.
There are a couple of ways I have found that work.
Work on your equipment first. From in game, do a /wiki search on each Science item you have in your possession. When you mouseover the result, you can see if the Lore has been entered. If not, just click on the link to navigate to the Item.
Visit the Cavern of Science and stand at a chest. Do a /wiki search on each item in turn, to see if Lore has been entered.